If you want someone who rants against "Big Government" and taxes, then extremist radio commentator/right wing hack Mark Levin is your man. His latest book, The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic is another predictable screed against big government and taxes.
However, there's one big problem. Levin is a profoundly dishonest pundit. The only "big government" he takes on is that of the Left.
What Levin never mentions is that the GOP is just as fond of big government programs as the Democrats are. It's just that the GOP is more clever at claiming to be the party of "small government" (even as they pour trillions of our tax dollars into big government programs). Republicans are also very clever at creating big government programs that they try to pretend are somehow not really "government programs" at all.
As an example, take one of the big government programs that was ramped up by Levin's hero, Ronald Reagan: the "War" on Drugs.
Many of Levin's followers would likely argue that the Drug War isn't really a "government program." But in fact, that's exactly what it is. It's a massive government program that employs thousands of government workers and has cost us taxpayers trillions of dollars over the decades. (Oh, and it has accomplished absolutely nothing useful---street drugs today are as plentiful and readily available as they've ever been). And the whole thing (the vast modern day "War On Drugs" as we know it), was created by Reagan's policies. America's prison population exploded under Reagan---largely because of the Gipper's "war" on drugs.
Reagan's drug war resulted in the vast expansion of government and the building of vast new prison facilities and the hiring of thousands of government employee/prison workers and administrators. Currently, an astonishing 2.4 million Americans are rotting away in prison (many of them for small, nickel-dime drug offenses).
Hey, Levin: what would the Founders have thought about the idea of locking people up in prison for the "crime" of smoking marijuana? What would the Founders have thought about trigger-happy cops kicking in doors and arresting people for doing nothing more than simply puffing a joint in the comfort of their own homes?
It's clear that not only has Reagan's crazy drug "war" cost us trillions of dollars---it's almost cost us a great deal of our rights and freedoms. But Levin is silent about all this---even as he goes batsh*t crazy over gay marriage supposedly "ruining America." (The last time I checked, gay marriage wasn't costing taxpayers trillions of dollars).
I'm sure Levin's followers would claim that Bill Clinton and President Obama have had their chance to end the 1980s Drug War that was launched by Reagan. But Levin (of all people) should know that the first rule of modern day U.S. government is: once you set up a big new government program, it never ever goes away. For one thing, the thousands of prison employees and administrators who benefit from the whole racket now constitute a powerful lobby in Washington that fights against repealing the Drug War.
Speaking of big costly government programs, I find it interesting that Levin himself had no problem collecting a taxpayer-funded paycheck for many years while he "worked" for the government in the Reagan administration. Yes, that's right: Levin, the outspoken opponent of "big government" himself was one of the government "worker" leeches who steal our tax dollars at the barrel of a gun.
Where was his outrage back then?
I have to admit, it takes quite a bit of gall to leech off the taxpayers for many years (like Levin did) and then turn around and rant against "Big Government."
I love how Levin consistently downplays the fact that he was a government employee. In his books and radio show, he always refers to himself as having "served" in the Reagan administration. You've gotta love that noble word: "served." Wow, you'd think that he "served" in the military. Maybe he won a couple of Purple Hearts. (In reality, Levin never wore the uniform. He was a chickenhawk).
Please: Mr. Levin, save the world "served" for true heroes who served in the military.
The fact is, Levin is a stinking hypocrite. He had no problem helping himself to a nice fat, taxpayer-funded paycheck for many years. It was only after he quit his government "job" that he saw the light and began his crazy crusade (which rails against progressive Big Government but has nothing to say about the GOP's own Big Government programs, like Reagan's delusional "War On Drugs" fiasco).
The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic is yet another thoroughly dishonest, despicable screed from Levin, a scary, extremist liar who makes even Rush Limbaugh sound reasonable by comparison. The fact that (at last count), an astonishing 300 Amazon reviewers have deemed fit to give this piece of sh*t drivel a 5-star rating shows how delusional Levin's Kool-Aid-drinking base really is.
Supreme Court Expands Government Power To Censor Free Speech
20 minutes ago
Dear Marc,
You didn't write a review about the book! You wrote a rambling rant about its author.
Do you plan to write a review...
or is your rant all we get?
Actually, Levin's book (like all his "work") is nothing more than a rambling, incoherent rant. The guy is a f*cking nutjob. He spews stuff about Obama on his radio show that directly contradicts what he said about Bush years ago. But his deluded listeners are too brainwashed and/or stupid to realize this.
The thing that scares me the most about Levin was his strong support of state-sponsored torture during the Bush years.
If Levin had it his way, this country would become a Nazi dictatorship, complete with torture, wars of aggression, and the oppression of working people.
He and his followers should be aware that (at least some) of us progressive dissidents will fight to the death to prevent this from becoming a reality.
Wow, just wow. I was hoping for something with real substance and got nothing but am idiotic rant. Did this guy even read the book? All of you are kneejerking all over the place. Mark Levin is a genius and an honest man. While he may seem radical to the intellectually dishonest, he is merely being true to the founders ideas for their prodigy.
Do you even listen to him with an open mind?
>> I was hoping for something with
>>real substance
Yes, and I suppose you get that from Levin's daily radio rantings. LOL!
>>Mark Levin is a genius and an
>>honest man
An honest man? OK, when is he going to pay me back the tax dollars he stole from me when he "worked" as a government employee?
>>>Do you even listen to him with an
>>>open mind?
An open mind. Yes, that's real important to the right-wing talk radio spewers as they pick up their hatchet every day and go after all the Dems. You'd think that they would have given Obama a break for even five minutes after Bin Laden was killed. But no, these NeoNazis couldn't even put aside the partisanship even for one moment.
It's quite a change of pace from after 9/11, when the nation rallied around Bush and pushed his approval rating (at least briefly) to 90 percent.
I thought you were going to do a book review...looks more like a personal assassination. I think you would be much more credible if you would provide some constructive criticism about the contents of his book. Its obvious that you didn't read the book.
>>I thought you were going to do a
>>book review...looks more like a
>>personal assassination.
Do you even bother to read my piece? And speaking of "personal assassination," actually this is Levin's stock-in-trade. Every day, he viciously attacks Democrats. He's no "Conservative." He's a partisan Republican hack.
How exactly does this qualify as a book review? It is evident that the war on drugs has failed to influence your blog.
>>How exactly does this qualify as a >>book review?
Actually, it's a heck of a lot more of a review than the idiotic "reviews" of Levin's book at Amazon. There, one will find literally hundreds of stupid little one-sentence "I love this book!" "reviews."
I also love all the Amazon reviews that hail Levin as a "patriot."
LOL! Levin is a chickensh*t coward who never served in the military.
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