George W. Bush raised a lot of eyebrows when he emphatically stated that the U.S. does not engage in torture. It was an ironic comment, especially in view of the White House's recent fierce lobbying against a congressional drive to outlaw torture.
I'm not sure how Bush defines "torture." But, as journalist Seymour Hersh has pointed out, the U.S. government has videos that depict children being sodomized at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The White House has fought to prevent the public release of these videos.
As Hersh noted:
"...the boys were sodomized, with the cameras rolling, and the worst above all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking."
I have to admit, I was a bit baffled at Bush's "we do not torture" comment. Torture has been well documented at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo and other U.S. facilities. Torture techniques range from the practice of "water boarding" (which simulates the effect of drowning) to vicious beatings. Other torture techniques include the pressing of lit cigarettes against detainees' flesh. Prisoners were also reportedly forced to walk on broken glass and barbed wire.
Although the Bush White House has embraced torture and vigorously defended the practice, it's important to note that torture is nothing new in American history.
For example, torture was widely employed by the Reagan-backed Central American death squads, which massacred hundreds of thousands of civilians in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua in the 1980s. One secret CIA manual, from 1983, offered advice in various torture techniques.
If Bush really believes the U.S. doesn't engage in torture, he really ought to bone up on his history. Bush wouldn't have to venture far from his Crawford ranch to find ample evidence---after all, nearby Waco knows a thing or two about torture.
For example, in 1916, a mentally retarded African-American youth, Jesse Washington, was arrested on the flimsiest of evidence in the murder of a Waco-area woman. After a short sham trial, the 17-year-old youth was dragged out of a courtroom by the trial spectators. He was slashed repeatedly with knives, castrated, and had his fingers and toes cut off. Then, before a crowd of 15,000 in downtown Waco, he was burned alive at the stake. City officials did nothing to stop the lynching, which was observed by the mayor and chief of police.
But I suppose it's unfair to single out Waco for this atrocity. In fact, Washington's torture-murder was only one of tens of thousands of lynchings that occurred during what historians have referred to as the era of "spectacle lynchings" from the 1880s to the 1920s. In many cases, the victims were tortured for hours, before they were soaked with kerosene and set on fire by cheering mobs. Like the Washington murder, many of the lynchings occurred in broad daylight, in crowded downtown areas, while city officials looked on, or even participated.
This ugly chapter of widespread torture has been largely forgotten by Americans today. Taking a cue from Stalinist Russia, the U.S. has carefully airbrushed away its atrocities when presenting the official, sanitized version of American history.
Some people might argue that, although thousands of lynchings did occur, they all happened a long time ago. They might wish to tell this to the family of James Byrd, Jr. In 1998, Byrd was chained to a pickup by three white supremacists and dragged to his death in Jasper, Texas.
In the aftermath of the Jasper lynching, a grass-roots effort in Texas urged the state to pass a hate crimes act to help prevent future atrocities. However, the bill failed to pass in the Texas Legislature after then-Governor George W. Bush refused to support the bill.
When Bush claims that the U.S. doesn't engage in torture, he's simply carrying on a rich tradition of denial and suppression of the truth that is as American as apple pie.
Praise Jeebus! Area Grifter Goes To Church
1 hour ago
I read somewhere that the longest filibuster in Senate history occurred when Congress was trying to stop an anti-lynching bill back in the 30s.
I think you are so full of shit and don't have a clue as to what your talking about on this subject. Personally, I think the U.S.military should use more and harsher torture. This is a war, and if Al-Qaeda and the insurgent don't have to abide by the Geneva Convention, then I don't think the U.S. and coalition forces should either. I've been there and done that.
I don't disagree the US should refrain from torture. Sen. McCain has noted repeatedly the Israelis don't resort to it - so why should we. That being said, your argument gets bogged down with "Taking a cue from Stalinist Russia, the U.S. has carefully airbrushed away its atrocities when presenting the official, sanitized version of American history." Also - I agree that lynching is a horrible crime, but it should be noted that FBI statistics have shown for decades now that black on white crime far surpasses the reverse.
Also - "Sure, Bush is evil. He has the blood of thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children on his hands, all for a war that was based on lies. He is a puppet in the most corrupt administration in the history of America. He shamelessly wraps himself in the American flag and the Bible. He is a coward, who refused to serve his country in Vietnam. He always had everything handed to him on a silver platter by his rich, powerful family and yet never tires of advocating "rugged individualism" and "self reliance" for everyone else. Etc. Etc." ???
Really - you should get out more - get a hobby.
>>>"I think the U.S. military
>>>should use more and harsher
Oh, so it's OK for the U.S. to sink to the level of Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, eh? I thought we were supposed to be the good guys in this fight. Also, if you really did serve in the U.S. military and you believe torture is OK, then all I can say is: you are a disgrace to the uniform, sir.
>>>Really - you should get out
>>>more - get a hobby.
Say, you're the one who spends all his time trolling around the various blogs on the Web---it sounds like you're the one who needs a hobby.
The poster who advocates more and harsher torture is an example of the kind of crypto-Nazi shit that has started backing up from the sewers of this country in recent decades. This person illustrates quite colorfully how, yes, it could happen here. It would only require a million or so goosesteppers like this one.
Nice article---but it doesn't mention one of the most troubling indications of the Bush administration's support for torture: that is, the "rendering" of suspects by the U.S. to nations that do torture routinely as a matter of normal policy. Some of the torture technniques applied by this "allies" of America are quite shocking: electric drills, flaying of skin, tearing out fingernails, boiling people in oil, etc.
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