A lot of us were disgusted and disappointed when Air America recently suspended the progressive talk radio goddess Randi Rhodes (she later quit the network and has now moved over to the Nova M radio network).
But in any case, Randi's departure opens up a key slot on Air America's daily 3-6 p.m. EST schedule that we think ought to be filled by the brilliant Sam Seder. (If you've never heard his program, you're missing out on some of the most intelligent talk radio on the airwaves). Currently Seder's insightful program only airs weekly on Air America (Sundays, 4-7 p.m. EST).
Go here to sign a petition to urge Air America to give Seder a daily slot in their schedule.
Mark Your Calendars
2 hours ago
Is Bill Clinton still being considered for a talk show? That was once the buzz.
A talk show on Air America? I haven't heard about that one. It wouldn't surprise me.
Bill Clinton hosting a talk show? Yecchhh. All we'll hear about for the next eight years is how HRC's presidential nomination was stolen from her. Well, I won't be listening anyway, unless AAR keeps Sammy.
>>I won't be listening anyway,
>>unless AAR keeps Sammy.
I am disappointed by a number of things that Air America has done over the years.
However, it's important to note that they still DO have a number of programs that are VERY worthwhile.
Remember, if it wasn't for AA, we wouldn't have the likes of Thom Hartmann or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the air.
For that alone, we ought to be grateful.
"Ring of Fire" alone is an extremely important and vital program that has helped a lot of us keep our sanity during the horrors of the past 8 years of Bush.
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